Thursday, March 12, 2009

PowerPoint Presentation of the Drake Equation

Beware, this is my first time ever using or producing a Power Point presentation! I understand that PowerPoint is being taught in the elementary schools now, but I seem to have missed that opportunity until this week. I found it very powerful and easy to use once I understood the layout of the tools. The examples that I found on my fellow students blogs were helpful and I thank them.

I chose a topic that I am asked about often. When we cover any subject in astronomy, the question invariable arises, "Are there aliens?" I see this as an opportunity to introduce the students to science reasoning, using the Drake Equation, first introduced right here in West Virginia at the Green Bank radio astronomy observatory, back in 1961.

My presentation discusses the Drake equation and the factors that allow us to estimate the number of civilization in our galaxy. I have also saved a power point show (.pps). Finally there is a web version (.htm). I was wondering if I could overlay a narrative, but I was not confident enough to experiment with that feature.

I was also able to save the presentation to Google Docs.

1 comment:

  1. This is ultra cool, Lyle!! I have a student who will just love your presentation. Do you mind if I share it?
